When you are shopping on the Advanced Powerplant Solutions Online Store and add an item to your cart, it is saved in your Shopping Cart and can be found at the top right corner of each screen (see shopping cart icon). The Shopping Cart holds products you wish to purchase while you shop, the same way you use a shopping cart in a retail store. Options in the Shopping Cart:
Update the quantity
To do this, simply type in the quantity you wish to purchase and click "Update Cart."
Remove an item from Your Shopping Cart.
To remove an item, click on the "Remove" check box and click "Update Cart."
Return to Shopping
If you wish to continue shopping on the Advanced Powerplant Solutions Online Store, you can use the Shopping Cart to store items you wish to purchase. Click on "Continue Shopping" to search the site for additional items. At any time during your shopping experience, you can return to your Shopping Cart by clicking on "Shopping Cart."
Clear Shopping Cart
To clear your entire shopping cart, click on "Clear Shopping Cart."
Proceed to Secure Checkout
When you are ready to purchase your item(s), click on "Proceed to Checkout." Our checkout process is fast, easy and secure.