24-Hour Ordering Service: We keep order lines open for you around the clock. Between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CST) our Customer Service Associates are eager to take your phone order when you call 1-800-532-3462. After hours, simply leave your order with our Message Center or fax your order to us at 262-763-1920 and we will process your order as quickly as possible the next business day. Our On-line catalog is also available 24-hours at advancedpowerplant.com or onlinecatalog.advancedpowerplant.com
Ordering by Phone: Simply call us at 1-800-532-3462 and we will make every effort to process your order the same day. Shipping costs for phone orders are UPS actual charges plus a $4.00 handling fee per order.
Canadian and International Orders: We welcome Canadian and International orders! All orders must include full remittance plus shipping charges payable in US currency. We recommend using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. We use UPS, FED-EX or Air Parcel Post for most International shipments. Shipping charges for all International orders are calculated individually for each order. Please include a fax, phone number, or e-mail address so we can send you a quote on shipping. The customer is responsible for any duty, customs, or taxes charged by their country.
BACK ORDERS: Although APS maintains a large inventory, a situation may arise where an item is not immediately available from stock. This would result in a back order on your shipment of merchandise and it will be shipped as soon as it arrives at our facility. Orders that include "in stock" items and "back order" items, shipping to the Continental United States, are defaulted to "Ship and Back Order". In this case, Customer will be charged freight on both shipments unless Customer specifies "No Back Orders" in the comment section of the order. For those times when an item is not available from stock, and Customer designates "No Back Orders", then your order for those items will be cancelled. Multiple back orders can be held for one shipment if specified in the comments section when placing your order. Back ordered items will not be billed until shipped.
NEW STATE SALES TAX RULES: As a direct result of of the Supreme Court ruling in South Dakota v. Mayfair dated 6/21/2018, states have been given broader authority to enforce state sales tax collection requirements on businesses. APS is now required to collect state sales tax in certain states, but not all states. If your state requires APS to collect sales tax, we will calculate that tax as it applies to goods, services and/or shipping costs, and add it to your invoice. The tax rate used to calculate the tax will be the rate posted by your respective state, or the state the goods are to be shipped to, if different from your billing address. For a list of the states that currently require APS to collect state sales tax, please call our customer service line (1-800-532-3462) as this list has/will change over time.
TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATES: APS is now required to collect State Sales Taxes in a number of states. If your business has a Tax Exemption Certificate or a Resale Certificate that would apply to your order with APS, you must provide us with a copy of that certificate prior to your order. Please fax or email the certificate to our Customer Service Department at (FAX: 1-262-763-1920) or info@advancedpowerplant.com.
RETAIL STORE HOURS: Our Retail Store is open 8:30 am. to 4:30 pm. weekdays. We are located at 2375 E Geneva Street, Suite A in Delavan, WI. Fly in customers should use Lake Lawn Airport (C59).